6 Weeks Live & Online

or in your own time

Starting 12th October

It is time to honour our rage and anger as sacred, to cultivate a more healthy relationship & expression. Especially for women, who have been taught to control their anger as it has been deemed unacceptable or dangerous in society.

The suppression can prevent us from embodying our feminine essence, embracing fear & transmuting pain, which can lead to imbalance & illness. It does not just turned inwards, it can leak out as hatred, aggression or violence when it is not harnessed or expressed in a healthy way.

Transforming through love & presence can bring honest and authentic expression, moving beyond what may have been held in our systems & many generations.

This 6 week container will explore ways of navigating your relationship with anger, cultivating healthy boundaries and becoming more in tune with your own inner compass. 

“Sometimes it can be a catharsis, a great ROAR, a gentle growl, or a wholehearted HUM. In learning to contain rather than control our anger or rage, is a journey of self-mastery that has not been allowed to us in society. Now is the time for the reclamation. ”

Tara Louise Firetree

Moving from unhealthy expression to healthy authenticity

Unhealthy or Repressed Anger can come out in many ways through resentment, passive aggression, angry “outbursts” or even a fury of rage. It builds pressure in our bodies through years of suppression which can manifest itself by becoming a destructive force in our lives, relationships and mental, physical or emotional health.

When we honour our Anger and Rage, allowing it to be expressed in a safe and healthy way, this allows us to tap into the great wisdom, power and creativity that is underneath it. This can be vital for Women's health and wellbeing as it can help to relieve depression and anxiety as well as a number of physical conditions including migraines, fatigue, liver conditions, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, pre-menstrual and menopausal symptoms, autoimmune disorders and more.

Breaking Free from Old Patterns

There is an invitation to reflect on how the patriarchy and unhealthy masculine has played out in ourselves, our lives, relationships, ancestors & the collective. 

How the judgement, persecution and oppression can live on in our mind, body and nervous system, until we allow ourselves to dissolve it with love & break free from the false constructs.

Learning how to develop our relationship with & cultivate the healthy masculine, we can develop healthy boundaries, a greater capacity for love, presence, clarity & discernment.

Deep Peace through our Feminine Essence

While screaming, punching or crying into a pillow can be helpful, it merely releases the steam out of the pressure cooker rather than getting to the bottom of it. In addition, there are ways of allowing our expression of anger that are more gentle or cumulative.

We will explore together in circle, a group container as well as in personal ritual, movement, sound, or breath to connect to our primal nature, our feminine essence and with the root of our Rage and Grief, allowing it to move through us.

Especially in a time with so much war & violence in the world, as well as in the historical mistreatment of women & the earth. A deep sense of peace as well as sacred activism can be found when we are able to access the love & power within.


What you will receive

  • 6 Live Online Explorations Facilitated by Tara (recorded)

  • Access to a supportive online circle of women (not Facebook)

  • Access to resources & simple practices at home that be life changing

  • Cultivating awareness & somatic resourcing in relation to fear or trauma

  • Connecting to the voice & sound for reclamation of self & the feminine

  • Optional Access to Sacred Rage One to One Sessions with Tara (see additional bundle)



Earlybird £333

Includes 25% off until 30th September 2024

Full £444

Earlybird Paypal Payment Plan

3 Months @ £113 per Month

All Payments are non-refundable

Please refer to the terms on my website prior to booking

See further below for 45% Discount for Women’s Support Organisations


What we will Explore

Week 1: Anger, Patriarchy & The Feminine

  • Exploring the roots of Anger & why it is suppressed

  • How has the Patriarchy has pathologized the Feminine?

  • Over rationalisation vs healthy emotional expression

Week 2: Sharpening the blade of Discernment

  • Responding to control/manipulation in relationships

  • Dealing with Narcissism, False spirituality or power dynamics

  • Discerning reality vs illusion or false narratives

Week 3: Anger as Vitality

  • Feeling truth & aliveness through the heart

  • Exploring Anger as part of a healthy immune system

  • Connecting to a true YES to life

Week 4: Rage as a Force of Love

  • Connecting to the core self vs identity

  • Healthy boundaries as a living practice

  • Igniting the sacred flame that stands for love

Week 5: Emerging as Love & Passion

  • No more nice girl, love & passion as compassion in action

  • Fierce love as an end to sacrifice, martyrdom & people pleasing

  • Unleashing the power of co-creation

Week 6: Attuning the Inner Compass

  • Rage & Anger as a guidance system in life, service or devotion

  • Transforming wounds into Wisdom

  • Developing trust with inner authority


45% off for Women's Health or Support Organisations

Available to Staff, Volunteers or Recipients*

*Please email firetreealchemy@gmail.com with organisation info & request for Discount Code

There are also limited spaces for those experiencing financial difficulty or extenuating circumstances. Do not let that be a barrier, so do get in touch. Email firetreealchemy@gmail.com


Earlybird £333

Includes 25% off until 5th October 2024

Full £444

Earlybird Paypal Payment Plan

3 Months @ £113 per Month

All Payments are non-refundable

Please refer to the terms on my website prior to booking


Additional Bundle:

Awakening Flame Sessions

with Tara

An Offering of one or three sessions during Sacred Rage or within 3 months. These will provide a one to one container for you to go much deeper into the aspects which you are consciously or unconsciously holding on to that is suppressing your rage, anger, essence, authenticity or true nature. You will be encouraged to step into your own connection with source, embody pure love & transform wounds into wisdom.

Sessions are for one hour, and are held online. You will book via an online calendar and be sent a video link to join.

Please refer to terms prior to booking.