Sharing a Sacred Container at Home
We will create a container over 13 days for you to reclaim your vitality and life force by awakening to infinite energy available from Source. We will open up the voice, awaken to enjoyment through the body with movement, enliven your creativity & expression. Inviting more play into life so that you can delight your heart, nourish your soul & live your joy. You can choose to immerse yourself in a semi-retreat at home or create space in your daily life and reduce what is not essential.
Mama Cacao is a Master Plant Teacher, a love medicine that can guide us back home to our true nature. She can also can help us to open up to the innate healing ability that we carry in our bodies as well as the balance and vitality of fire and water, sun and earth. IxCacao brings support and grounding so that we can drop in and allow focusing of the mind, opening the heart and stirring the creativity & vitality in our belly.
Benefits of Mama Cacao
IxCacao is a medicine that is experiencing a surge in popularity and for good reason, as in this modern world she can help us to become more grounded, centred, living more fully from our hearts and being. However, she is also a powerful healer and teacher for working through our shadow and trauma, as she works in the belly and unconscious patterns. Therefore, it is very important to honour her and develop right relationship prior to holding space for ourselves or with groups.
Awakening Vitality
Would you like to access more vitality so that you can enjoy life’s wild wonder? Would you like to get more in touch with your body’s innate ability to heal itself? Do you find yourself feeling exhausted or apathetic? Do you find that no matter how much space for rest or self-care that you make, you are struggling?
Of course making time for more rest and self-care is always important, however, there is an infinite well of energy available if we awaken our vitality through play, breath, voice & movement. Although Ceremonial Cacao contains theobromine as a stimulant, it is much more subtle and sustained, which can help to wean off other stimulants such as caffeine or sugar. Learning to work with her in moderation as well as a number of ways of cultivating our life force alongside, there is a way of moving through without pushing through.
If you are willing to make some changes as well as allowing more play and joy into your life, the vitality can start to come back day by day. This is a sustainable way that will build upon itself with your dedication rather than a quick fix, but through lived experience I can share with you ways that can open up the doorway to living life more fully.
I will be sharing through lived experience of working in a corporate job or being of service and still burning out as I was not managing my energy levels according to my natural rhythm. I have experienced much chronic pain and illness in my life due to this, often finding the medical route could not help. Through much trial and error, research, plant medicine, yoga, meditation, and many other practices I have found my own medicine. Ultimately my body has taught me how to listen and what it needs before I reach even close to burnout. It is my passion to share with you alongside Mama Cacao so that you can find the same.
When we allow ourselves to express ourselves fully, we open up to that which enlivens us and inspires us to make different choices for our life. Connecting to the resonance of our true nature & a power that is a force love, we can centre ourselves in what is truly important. In a time where free expression is being challenged, it is even more important to reclaim our sovereignty, connection to source and access to life force that is available to us in every moment.
Some benefits that will be shared:
Open up to your authentic expression & way of living
Transmute stress, tension & emotions through the body
Calm the nervous system & come into coherence
Cut through the mind chatter by moving beyond trying to fix or work it out
Connect to your own connection with source & vitality
Explore ways to enable your body to self-heal from chronic fatigue, pain or illness
How do I know if this is for me?
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions
Do you find yourself feeling exhausted at times?
Are you a workaholic who finds it difficult to enjoy the pleasures of life?
Do you find that the stamina to maintain work, regular exercise, play or creativity?
Do you find it difficult to keep your heart open in these challenging times?
Is it challenging for you to connect to your body’s innate intelligence?
Would you like to create more space in your daily life for self-care or ritual?
Would you like to connect with plant spirit communication?
Do you feel drawn to Mama Cacao but wish to nurture authentic connection?
Would you like to create more healthy boundaries around food, work, relationships or sex?
Want to know more about Cacao? Grab a cuppa and Check out Cacao the Heart Awakener Video
What you will receive:
3 live Cacao ceremonies (these will be recorded)
Vocal Toning Practices
Chants, Mantras & Songs
Guided Meditations
Music Playlists for Movement Meditation or Journeying
Daily practices that you can use in the moment to optimise your energy levels
A Private Community Group (not Facebook)
£180 for those who financial situation is fine
£135 for low income
£108 for concession (unemployed, receiving benefits, students or over 65)
Payment plans available for those in need. If you are in financial difficulty, please do reach out by email.
This container is inclusive of gender, sexuality, race, religion, background and belief systems.
Please note that Ceremonial Cacao is contraindicated for those who are taking anti-depressants or anti-psychotics.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is safe, but we suggest working with half the suggested dose (20g or less).
Drinking Cacao is always optional & not a requirement to join or benefit from the healing & transmissions in this container.
What you will need
1 x block Ceremonial Cacao (around 500g is 12 full doses) Recommended Suppliers
Basic Ingredients: Chilli, Cinnamon, Coconut Palm Sugar, Coconut Nectar
Earth Offerings: Cacao, rose petals, tobacco, sage, mugwort, herbs, oats
Journal for writing notes, insights & dreams throughout the course
Altar space (This can be as elaborate as you like, or simple & portable for travel or small spaces)
Dedicated time each day to connect with yourself, Cacao & nature.
Create as much space in your diary as possible, minimise interactions & distractions if you wish to go deeper
Prepare to eliminate junk food, red meat, dairy, sugar, alcohol & substances