At this time of year we mark the turn of the season as the light of Spring is beginning to appear, the bulbs are sprouting from under the earth and lambs are beginning to emerge from their mothers wombs. In the Celtic Calendar this is Imbolc, the Fire Festival and the Goddess Brigid is celebrated.
Brigid is the Goddess of creativity, poetry, midwifery and healing, she encourages us to use our hands to make our craft. We will make time to commune with her, and light her sacred flame by lighting candles and invite her to awaken the sacred flame inside of our wombs.
In this ceremony we will go deep into our womb space and ignite the flame of creation within, Cacao will be the catalyst for this beautiful alchemy. We will use sound, breath, movement and drumming to take you into to a journey and allow the fullness of your expression to emerge from within.
What to expect
You will be safely held in a sacred space to go at your own pace, and as deeply or gently within your own being. The groups are small so that there is space for your own personal journey. You will be guided by music, sound, breath and drumming as well as hands on healing if needed. There is always time for rest and reflection.
About the medicine
Mama Cacao is a potent healer, this tree medicine helps us to connect with our inner wisdom and creativity so that we can dissolve our own blockages and create new pathways into being. Cacao is particularly helpful for heart and hara activation, opening up the channels and creating permanent changes.
Cacao is likely to make you feel more alive from the inside in a gentle, loving way. This is due to the effects of the many stimulating, warming and feel good natural chemicals it contains. Please be aware that this may keep you awake for a few hours after the ceremony, however most people find they want to rest very shortly afterwards as it takes them quietly within.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding it is very healthy and a potent time for you and your baby, a smaller dose is recommended. Your baby will tell you :-).
Contraindications: This medicine does not mix well with anti-depressants or anti-pyschotics. Please talk to me if you have any doubts such as heart or blood pressure.
To prepare the physical body some preparation and cleansing is recommended and full details will be sent in advance. This will mostly involve refraining from dairy, alcohol and caffeine for 3 days, most importantly for 24hours before and after the ceremony.
It is also advised if you can plan for a restful evening and day after the ceremony, although it won't affect your daily activities, there is still some processing happening at a physical and emotional level for a few days.
Also consider your intention for this ceremony, what do you wish to invite in, let go of or ask help with? Intentions are very useful tools for communicating with plant medicine and creating an anchor for us to focus throughout the ceremony. It can be precise or unpolished, just give it some thought and if it comes in the moment, that is fine too.
Sliding scale £40/£35/£30 waged/low/concession
Any questions or to book please contact Louise:
07970282533 or
Spaces are limited due to a small space so a deposit of £15 is required to book your place.
Deposits can be made via Paypal to (please choose friends/family option to avoid fees). Bank transfer is also accepted.