Cacao is a potent plant medicine helps us to connect with our inner wisdom, creativity and vision so that we can dissolve our own blockages and create new pathways into being. It has been used for thousands of years by indigenous tribes across Central and South America, with the Mayan and Incan Traditions in particular. The traditions are steeped in mystery, even to Mayan wisdom keepers today, however, if was likely that Sacred Cacao rituals would mark important life events, connect with spirit and for healing.  Ceremonial cacao has at a far greater quality and potency than the commercial chocolate we have today.

Cacao is an amazing facilitator for inner journeying, movement, breathwork, meditation, creativity, ceremony and healing. This sacred plant is likely to make you feel more alive from the inside in a gentle, loving way. This is due to the effects of the many stimulating, warming and feel good neurochemicals it contains.

"Cacao brings us to new depths so that we can cultivate our inner light and give birth to a new way of being" Tara Louise Firetree

What to expect in a ceremony?

Each ceremony will differ as it will have a theme as well as working with the energy around that particular time of year or life event it is meant to mark. Some ceremonies may be more inner journeying based whilst others may involve more movement. Whatever the theme or activity in the ceremony, you will always have room to go at your own pace.

Preparation for the ceremony

It is recommended that you follow a fairly simple diet the day before, and on the day of the ceremony (especially avoiding alcohol, caffeine and dairy). An alkaline based diet is particularly good preparation to cleanse the body and allow better assimilation of the medicine.

A gentle evening or day after the ceremony is recommended, this will allow you to process some of what has come up for you as well as any detoxification that may occur.


If you are taking medication such as anti depressants or anti psychotics or have any health concerns such as heart or blood pressure problems please get in touch. For pregnant or breastfeeding women, it is safe but at a lower dose.

Upcoming Ceremonies

I no longer hold Cacao circles or Ceremonies. Check out Mayan Wisdom Project for online ceremonies.

If you would like to learn how to connect with Cacao with reciprocity & authenticity or create your own circles, you can check out Cacao Level One or Practitioner Level. I also highly recommend Mayan Wisdom Project who offer teachings from Mayan Leaders & Elders.

For upcoming dates check out the Schedule.

Private Ceremonies

A private ceremony can be a great way to go deeper with the Cacao medicine, celebrate a transition in life with friends and family or even provide an alternative group bonding or team building activity. I can also offer one to one ceremonies if you feel called to have a more individual journey and healing combined.

I can travel so get in touch if you are interested in a ceremony in your area, it is likely that I can revommend a number of approved practitioners in your area.